
So here are the contents of my bag regularly tossed around, and difficult to locate:

A cereal box will come to the rescue as the support for my new organizer. The short side of the box will be the base of the organizer, and the front and back of the box will fold upwards to create the sides of the organizer, and will hold the pockets. I’ve cut the box to size, and planned how the contents might fit here.

Next, 2 equal square pieces of fabric are needed for the interior and exterior of the organizer.

I’ve determined the height for the pockets from averaging out the size needed to contain the most common items I carry around in my bag daily. I’ve chosen to make my pockets from the same fabric as above, but you might want to use a complimentary fabric instead. I first cut strips of the fabric in my desired height, and then hemmed the top and bottom.

I then took the strips of fabric for the pockets and sized the pockets by actually wrapping the fabric around the item, and pinning it in place. These pockets are pinned atop the first square fabric piece I cut earlier.

Here are the first row of pockets sewn. Next, repeat the steps above on the second side of the organizer.

Now for that second square piece we prepared earlier. Take that piece of fabric, and join it right-side to right-side with the piece that has the pockets attached. Sew 3 of the 4 sides closed, as shown here:

Next turn the organizer right-side-out, and through the one open side, insert the cereal box cardboard, and sew closed.

Done! Time to load up with all your much needed, and not-so-needed stuff! The interior side will keep a wide open space, in my case, for my wallet…

And, the exterior edges of the organizer contains the oh-so-needed pockets!!

And, inside the purse?? Organization at its best!! Just look at everything in its place. Love. It.


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